Starting as a developer from a young age

Juan Andrés Raudales Flores
2 min readApr 19, 2021
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

I have always had the thought that from a young age you can begin to develop as what you want to be in the future. The problem here would be to discover what you want to do. Here is what helped me discover what I wanted to do from a young age and how this can be used to help other potential programmers.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

When I was young, I was provided with game development tools that were easy to use and understand for young people around the age of 10. Thanks to spending a lot of time on these softwares, I managed to develop a lot of programming logic which I was able to apply when I started writing code. I was the fastest in my class at code challenges. Until today, I can assure you that this has been the reason why I like to program and I have the attitude to keep learning and improving.

This is a very easy way to influence other minds when programming. It may not work for everyone since we all have different aspirations and different skills, but for those who do have the way of programmers, it would be like taking the first leap into this world. When I was at that amateur game developer stage, I spoke to all of my classmates at school about it. Everyone was interested for a while but one of them continued to develop and to this day, he works in the IT department of a company.

Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

Using these tools helped me to discover what I am capable of. Through it I was also able to influence another person to code and to success. It seems to me that this is a good method with which potential future developers can be trained and it is the method that I would implement in a school to test the ability that some students might have. They would not be assigned something very complicated and it would not be all year long. It would be a single assignment and with that it could arouse the interest of more than one.

